What Is Astigmatism?

Eye problems may cause risks in life when they are not treated properly. It is necessary to take care of eyes with attention in order to avoid complications. There are different types of eye disorders that can affect the vision significantly. Astigmatism is one such problem which leads to blurred vision and other symptoms. People who have both myopia and hyperopia can develop the disorder that needs immediate care. A person may face two types of astigmatism that will lead to complications. The first one is the corneal astigmatism which happens due to mishappening of the cornea. Similarly, a lenticular astigmatism is primarily caused by irregular shaped lens.

What are the causes and symptoms of astigmatism?

Medical experts say that they don’t know the exact reason for astigmatism. However, some believe that eye injuries and birth defects can cause the problem to a large extent. Apart from blurred vision, the condition may also lead to some other symptoms. They include headaches, excessive squinting, eyestrains, and difficulties seeing at night. On the other hand, these symptoms are not related to astigmatism and one should check his /her eye conditions with a doctor to confirm the condition.

How is astigmatism diagnosed?

An optometrist will perform an eye exam and series of tests to diagnose the symptoms of astigmatism to determine the right type of treatment. Some of them include visual actual assessment test, refraction test, and keratometry. All the tests aim at evaluating the conditions with high accuracy. At the same time, patients should also undergo some other procedures to detect the condition. In most cases, an eye specialist will carry out the tests carefully in order to find out the symptoms. In addition, he/she will suggest the right type of treatment that exactly fits a person.

What are the treatments for astigmatism?

The treatments for astigmatism may vary from one person to another person depending on the conditions and other factors. An eye doctor will prescribe corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses for improving the conditions of astigmatism effectively. Apart from that, a patient may need surgery which uses lasers or knives to reshape the cornea. Orthokeratology is another treatment recommended for patients to correct the irregular curvature of cornea with rigid contact lenses. At the same time, it is advisable to know whether a surgery is a good option or not that will help obtain optimal results. Cost is another important factor to consider while selecting a treatment.  

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