Optometry Blog

My Journey Through the Blurry World of Amblyopia: A Personal Tale

It was a seemingly ordinary day when my world changed forever. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I was about to uncover the truth behind the blurred reality I had known my entire life. As I sat in that small, sterile room, the optometrist uttered a single word that would become an integral part of my identity: Amblyopia.

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Alzheimer’s Disease and the Eye

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It is a progressive disease that causes memory loss and a decline in cognitive abilities. While the primary effects of Alzheimer’s disease are on the brain, research has shown that it can also affect the eyes.

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Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic eye disease that affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. AMD is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss among individuals aged 50 and above in developed countries. This article will cover the diagnosis and treatment options available for AMD.

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Adult Strabismus: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Strabismus, commonly known as “crossed eyes,” is a condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place at the same time. While it is often associated with children, it can also occur in adults, and it is called adult strabismus. Adult strabismus can lead to a number of issues, such as double vision, depth perception difficulties, and even social anxiety.

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Effective Relief for Your Dry Eyes

Acute infections of the eyelid—those that flare up with little or no warning—are irritating and can affect your vision. You may have
symptoms such as itchy or burning eyes, blurred vision, gritty or granular sensations, or oily tears. These conditions are caused by either blepharitis, a medical term that means inflammation of the eyelid, or meibomianitis, inflammation of the oil-producing glands of the eye.

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What Is Astigmatism?

What Is Astigmatism?

Acute infections of the eyelid—those that flare up with little or no warning—are irritating and can affect your vision. You may have
symptoms such as itchy or burning eyes, blurred vision, gritty or granular sensations, or oily tears. These conditions are caused by either blepharitis, a medical term that means inflammation of the eyelid, or meibomianitis, inflammation of the oil-producing glands of the eye.

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8 Tips to Rapidly Increase Your Reading Speed

Acute infections of the eyelid—those that flare up with little or no warning—are irritating and can affect your vision. You may have
symptoms such as itchy or burning eyes, blurred vision, gritty or granular sensations, or oily tears. These conditions are caused by either blepharitis, a medical term that means inflammation of the eyelid, or meibomianitis, inflammation of the oil-producing glands of the eye.

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7 Techniques to Enhance Your Eye Contact

Acute infections of the eyelid—those that flare up with little or no warning—are irritating and can affect your vision. You may have
symptoms such as itchy or burning eyes, blurred vision, gritty or granular sensations, or oily tears. These conditions are caused by either blepharitis, a medical term that means inflammation of the eyelid, or meibomianitis, inflammation of the oil-producing glands of the eye.

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Tucson Eye Institute

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Tucson, AZ 85741

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